Wednesday, June 27, 2012

add to paper:

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I worked on my paper for 4 hours today.  I started off at Jitterbug for a couple of hours but then they closed and I headed over to the library and worked for a couple of hours.  I got to the point where I am tired of looking at it so I am stopping now.  I did not find my Warschauer book, so I ordered another as I have several references that I need to check.  I did the find the other article mentioned in the previous posted and cited it correctly.  My goal for today was to reach page 40.  I did not make it.  I reached page 38 and I cut the paper down to 80 pages.  So, I feel good about my effort.  For next time, I need to:

1).  Check the source for Warshchauer
2).  Rewrite or check the Riel piece
3).  Advance to page 50.
4)  I hope to write on Sunday, but that is Father's day so I may spend with the family.  But look out on Monday.  I should have time to check the references before then and hit the ground running with the writing.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Today I worked on my paper for a couple of hours.  I finished the section on the economic divide and now I am writing the educational, equity piece.  I made it up to page 30.  That is great.  Almost half way.  My goal for Friday is to get up to page 40 or 50.  I will take 40 but if i can get to 50 that will be great.  However, before starting my next session I need to do 2 things.

1.  I need to find my Warschauer book to make sure I rewrote pieces
2.  Find article that references ACM, CSTA, and the student Leigh Ann Sudol

I will do that either before the next session or right at the start.  My goal is to write 10 pages on Friday.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

I am back working on my paper today and I am very excited to be doing so.  The plan for today is to pickup where I left off with the writing but the first order of business is  to add the citations that I went home to get on my last session.  I have located those citations and that is the first thing I will do.  After that I will continue to work through the paper. I also have my digital divide book which I simply must add information from since it was so good. I am referring to the book by Lawson.  Well Cathy just called.  It is her birthday week.  She wants to get her hair braided.  So much for writing today.  Cathy changed her appointment to Thursday so I did get some work done.  And I am still working.  Right now I am incorporating Lawson's book into the chapter.  I have been re-reading pages 1-20 from my last session and I have corrected and fixed the citations and rewritten a few things.  The goal now is the add this piece and advance to page 30.  I will let you know whether I make it or not.  I did not make it to page 30, but I made it back to page 20 and those 20 are tight.  Right now I am integrating the material from Lawson.  I am very pleased with my work today.
I actually did work on my paper on Monday for 4 hours and I made great progress.  I redid pages 1-20 fixed the citations and got the point where I am integrating the Lawson source.  I am very excited about this resource for two reasons.  First it is a source of great content for my chapter 2 and second it is a great example of the kind of writing that I need to do.  I will refer to it while I am writing in terms of referring to articles as articles as well as the examples of transitions, summaries and just how the reporting is done.  There is a great example of this on page (need to find the page where she writes about what was done her view).  Today I was not able to work but I was thinking and two things came to me.  First I am absolutely sure about my design now.  I wish to survey/interview African American male college students who are entering college with a major other than science or  STEM.  This  is absolutely the group that I need to connect with.  And I can ask them when you were choosing a major what made you NOT choose a career or computer science as a major.  The other thing that I am very happy about is that I now have a strategy for a title for my dissertation.  On page 17 of the Lawson book the reference to the title of the book "Bad Blood:  The Tuskegee Experiment".  The subjects were told that they were looking for Bad Blood.  I need to keep my eyes open when I am collecting data or as I am reading or writing to figure out my title.  For example Opting Out which is another book I am reading.  Maybe one of my subjects or folks that I am listening to or as I am reading will utter a phrase that I can use.  Like Glenn said Technology is the new hip-hop.  Wednesday I am back to writing.
Today I integrated the information from Mack.  So, I did not advance in the paper but I added content that I thought was very important.  I added my section on Fear of Science and Technology by African Americans to include how technology has been used against us as well as how privacy is a major issue for us and not trust the mainstream society.  Powerful stuff.  I rewrote most of it, but there is more work to do there.  I will finish that on Thursday as well as bolster my economic divide piece from this source and that should do it for Mack and I will be back to formatting and rewriting the other sections.  Again that does not take long.  I also want to make sure I include my content from Margolis.  Thursday should see that I complete the work from today and move at least up until page 40 of the rewrite.  I should get to 60 by Friday.  No later than Sunday should I have gone through the entire deal.  If I don't submit on Sunday, the only thing I will have left to do is run through TurnItIn.
Today I continued to go over my first 20 pages.  I integrated and rewrote all of the Mack material and fixed a few citations.  I am now on page 21 and I noticed my section on economic divide needs more.  That is where I focus my last hour of work today.  I have several sources that I can refer to here.  I will integrate those in for the rest of this session.  Once I get home I will look for all that I have on economics and and add that to the section.  Next session I will begin here.  Shoring up that section and moving into digital equity on page 21.  Slower than I would like, but I will feel good when I press send when I send to Margaret.
Worked on the paper today.  Did much work on my 'Economic Divide' section.  It looks much better.  I probably have another hour or so of work left on it before transitioning into the 'Digital Equity' section.  This section looks much better.  I spent most of the day working on the paper.  From now, anytime I have any spare time I am working on the paper.  This is it.  I must graduate in 2013 and I have every intention of doing that.  That gives me a year and I am very close to submitting my chapter 2.  I am very excited to see how much work I get done on Sunday.  Even after it is all written, I need to make sure I proofread and run it through TurnItIn before submitting to Margaret.