Sunday, August 30, 2009

I have also connected HCI with my readings on persuasive technology. HCI of course referring to the design of Human Computer Interaction. I am now thinking about HHI. Human Human Interaction. How do we design learning such that learners are motivated to embrace technology? Can we DESIGN curriculum in a way that facilitates this process? Is there a study there?

Friday, August 28, 2009

no work on Friday night. too tired. after driving home. I will work on Saturday and Sunday though.
Yesterday I begin reading New Literacies by Colin Lankshear and Michele Knobel. This is another text that we used in class that I was not able to read deeply during the courses. I connected with it after studying Warschauer and his ideas about literacy as well as Pedagogy of the Oppressed. I have also begin reading Persuasive Technology by BJ Fogg. This is very interesting from the standpoint of technology being embedded and social (discussed in Warschauer). It is also giving me ideas from the standpoint of analyzing the digital divide. I have read much about the issues now focusing on usage, relevance and social practices. Fogg discusses the persuasiveness of technology. Can we use technology to get people to use technology? That is my question as I read.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Completed my second, thoughtful reading of Technology and Social Inclusion by Mark Warschauer. This section stood out in the final chapter:

The starting point for a progressive consideration of ICT in any institution should not be the digital divide and how to overcome it but rather the broader social structures and functions of the institutions and how ICT might be used to help make them more democratic, equitable, and socially inclusive.

I was also able to give thought to expanded research areas beyond access and use. I am thinking about the possibilities beyond issues of access such as questions of outcome. I am giving some thought to investigating variations in rates of return to technology use for different subgroups with the population.

I am still reading. I completed my re-read of Warshchauer (Technology and Social Inclusion). There is much good information regarding why marginalized communities are not embracing technology, but more importantly his work points out the ramifications for these groups. It led me to several other documents to read which I plan to continue this week. Tonight I will decide if I want to get into more detail on Situated Learning, Critical Pedagogy, New Literacies, or Persuasive Technologies. I also have several articles that I downloaded while reading Warshchauer and Jane Margolis. The overarching theme that seems to be present is not so much lack of physical access to computers but more how they are used and what attitudes are cultivated regarding their use. Much of what I read lately leads me back to social learning theory and what we talked about with Vygotsky, and Lave and Wenger, Communities of practice, etc. This part is exciting to me because there is where I want to be. Further it connects me to broader theories that I was studying before Culturally Relevant Pedagogies which are based on Vygotsky and Lave. I guess I will continue reading.


Friday, August 21, 2009

I am still reading Warshchauer. It is slow going as work has been very demanding for the past few weeks. But I am making good connections with other areas. I definitely see how communities of practice will play a role, public, policy and also Roger's work in Diffusion of Innovation.

I can also see where Friedman's The World is Flat, Pink's A Whole New Mind, and some of the studying we did of HCI as well. My big discovery this
week was Dr. B.J. Fogg of Stanford and the Persuasive Technology lab.


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Last week I re-read and actually studied Stuck in the Shallow End. I followed that up by getting into Technology and Social Inclusion. My goal was to complete this work but family duties prevented that. I will finish it this week. Both books have really helped me to see where I wish to go. It has allowed me to see the connection with social learning theory. I went and grabbed Daniels and How People Learn as I remembered how I resonated with those. Both books emphasize how the problems are social problems. This also allowed me to connect with ideas I was studying for my initial study regarding Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. I can how this will all have a place. I can even see a connection with Communities of Practice. So, anyway I am still reading. I also read an article by Claude Steele entitled "Race and the Schooling of African Americans that was referenced in Stuck in the Shallow End.