Monday, February 28, 2011

I did not go to the library on Saturday or Sunday as my friend Curtis was visiting. He absolutely motivated me to keep on my pace or even to work harder. I absolutely MUST finish this dissertation this year before December and graduate in June of 2012. That is my goal and I will not be distracted. Today I went to the library and I continued to read research reports, incorporated the tips from Curtis and contacted Margaret about weekly status meetings via Skype.

Friday, February 25, 2011

For the past week I have been reading and summarizing studies, books, and articles for my chapter 2. I have made great progress. I have decided that until I find my next income opportunity that my job will be to finish my dissertation. So, each day I get up and go to the library as if it was a job. I arrive at 8 am and try to stay at least until 2pm when my daughter has to be picked up at school. I plan to go on Saturday's and Sunday's as well. This week I finished Radical Equations and did summarizes for multiple studies. The goal for this weekend is to continue to organize and categorize my work and determine if I need more before I lay down the first draft of the chapter. The goal is 50 write-ups.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Today I went to the library and I read 3 studies. I still need to summarize them however. I also started reading from the Jossey Bass reader only to find it won't be as helpful as I had hoped. Next session I plan to write up the articles I read today and read several more. There were a few sources I learned of today that I will read as well.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tonight I wrote up the article Digital Inequality: Differences in Young Adults' Use of the Internet. The main point of this study is that online skill is an important mediating factor in the types of activities people pursue online. I may use this as part of a section in my chapter 2. I also examined: Insisting on Digital Equity: Reframing the Dominant Discourse on Multicultural Education and Technology. I should finish reading it on Thursday and complete the summary.