Monday, January 31, 2011

Read a few more studies and articles today. Only to find that these are not really related to my research. Of the 5, I read today,I maybe can use one. The next session I should finish my articles and move on to the citations from the study I am replicating and checking out the jossey bass reader. Then I will know if I need to actually go out and seek more literature.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Yesterday I spent more time reading research reports for my literature review. Mostly, none of them were useful, but that is still good, as it allowed me to get rid of them or decide to use them in other work.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today I continued my work on my lit review. I studied the Degrees of Success report. This also gave me the idea to possibly do a similar approach with HBCUs. I also covered the Bayer Study embedded in the U.S Gets Poor Grades in Nurturing STEM Diversity as well as the Why So Few report by The American Association of University Women.
Yesterday was more of the same. I read, organized and summmarized the studies I will use to craft my literature review. I will do more of the same today.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Today I did more summmaries as I continue to develop my literature review map.
Over the weekend I attended the Nu Skin Kick Off 2011 for the product launch of Vitality in Orlando. While I was there I spent some time with my good friend Dr. Plinkske. Kathleen gave me several pointers on completing my dissertation and on both flights I got some work in regarding my literature review. I read 7 papers (4 of which I will use in my paper) and today I will summarize and categorize them and begin work on several others. These are the papers I read:

1. Why Students with an Apparent Aptitude for Computer Science Don't Choose to Major in Computer Science, Lori Carter

2. Factors that Attract African American Males to Computer Science: A Study of Aspiring and Current Professionals, Jerlando Jackson, Lavar J. Charleston, Phillis George, and Juan E. Gilbert.

3. Developing the STEM Education Pipeline, ACT

4. Making Computer Science More Enticing, Michelle Quinn

5. Degrees of Success, Higher Education Research Institute

3. Developing the STEM Education Pipeline

Monday, January 17, 2011

Think about modeling the Bayer Study. Although the Bayer Study surveyed several minority groups, I only want to survey African American men. But, they used email and surveys to collect their data. That appeals to me at this point. They were already scientists. And they surveyed them.
Today I continued reading research reports on my goal to 50. One of which I am sure to use. It is the Bayer Study. It once again the idea to interview students of BPDA and/or NSBE. I tried this before and Margaret did not like the idea. I will have to ask again why. I think I will finish reading this study and call it a day.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tonight I finished reading

Single-Gender Schools and Inner City; Can They Work? Is a Single Gender Setting a positive educational setting for African American Males
by Mateen Diop.

Next up is The Operative Paradigm of Hispanic-American Women Business Leaders: A Narrative, Qualitative Study. It is 123 pages long. My goal is to get it read this week. I also plan to find a study similar in topic to mine and read the chapter 2 of that one as well.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

I am reading literature reviews to get a better idea of what is expected of this chapter. I have completed my reading of The Next Generation of Community College Presidents: Critical Characterstics, Competencies and Professional Experiences written by Kathleen Plinkse. I learned a lot from reading this one. Right now I am reading Single-Gender Schools and Inner City; Can They Work? Is a Single Gender Setting a positive educational setting for African American Males by Mateen Diop. I should finish reading it on Friday and then I have one more I would like to read before I develop my first draft. Here is what I have learned and planned to do.

1. Review each of my articles (try to have 50 or so)
2. Write a Summary of each one
3. Do a literature map based on the categories that emerge
4. Organized what I have to itegrate the content
5. Weave the content in a way to present where my study adds to
6. I also intend to do a a little more research (new content)

My goal is to send my literature review map to Margaret by next Friday. Once I get that back I intend to produce my first draft a few days after that. That is the plan.