Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I submitted my first draft and received positive feedback. This week I plan to read Karen's proposal. That is next on my list. I also want to review the comments received from Margaret. Additionally, I want to catch up on my citations, and begin to think about how to attack my chapter 2.

Since I may be up against it in terms of IRB and permission slips and the like I am also thinking about interviewing professionals. While being honored at Texas A&M-Commerce this past week, my former professor connected me with a African American IT professional who is willing to be interviewed and has friends that I could also contact. This may expedite my study if it allows me to avoid the rigors of IRB. This is something I need to think about. Below are comments received from the potential interviewee:

Kai can give me a call anytime. I know several black men in my field. He's right, there are not a lot of us, but more importantly not a lot of us in senior positions (Directors, CIOs, CTOs...) No complaints on my end, just facts. I used to think it had to do with pedigree/polish and would kick myself in the butt for not going to SMU or other schools that wanted me out of EHS. I soon learned that wasn't it either after one of my colleagues that went to Cornell couldn't advance. I'm happy to share my experience. IT is a great start, but more studies need to be done on corporate America general.


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