Monday, April 23, 2012

I can not believe I have not worked on my paper since the 11th. Wow. That is not good. But I am back. I worked for a couple of hours today and decided I need to stop because I need access to my source materials. So, I am going how now to get those. My digital divide book and my Warshauer book and look up some citations. However I did get to page 20 of 75. My goal for Tuesday is to at least get halfway thorough so I am shooting for page 40. It took me awhile to get going today but I am back on track now. Once I have rewritten I will print and read and edit and decide if I wish to add anything to it in terms of other sources or if I am happy with it. I am back on Track. Considering I am back in the game I should be sitting pretty by Thursday.

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