Sunday, February 12, 2012

This weekend I was only able to work a few hours on Sunday due to family obligations. I was able to work on Saturday but I simply did not get much done. I did make progress today and spent most of my time writing in my digital equity section. I also reorganized my outline section and I have given much thought to my research design. I need to make a decision very soon on that. I will talk to Margaret about that on Thursday. I can do a mix. I can do CIO'S. I can do students. I can do a case study of the MSFT program or I can do a Delphi. Those are the two that I am thinking of. I finally made contact with Microsoft and I am waiting to hear back from them. I need to read more about Delphi so I can determine what makes the most sense for the question I am attempting to answer. I also reached out to Farzin regarding Delphi on Facebook but I have not heard back.

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