Monday, January 24, 2011

Over the weekend I attended the Nu Skin Kick Off 2011 for the product launch of Vitality in Orlando. While I was there I spent some time with my good friend Dr. Plinkske. Kathleen gave me several pointers on completing my dissertation and on both flights I got some work in regarding my literature review. I read 7 papers (4 of which I will use in my paper) and today I will summarize and categorize them and begin work on several others. These are the papers I read:

1. Why Students with an Apparent Aptitude for Computer Science Don't Choose to Major in Computer Science, Lori Carter

2. Factors that Attract African American Males to Computer Science: A Study of Aspiring and Current Professionals, Jerlando Jackson, Lavar J. Charleston, Phillis George, and Juan E. Gilbert.

3. Developing the STEM Education Pipeline, ACT

4. Making Computer Science More Enticing, Michelle Quinn

5. Degrees of Success, Higher Education Research Institute

3. Developing the STEM Education Pipeline

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