Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This morning I got back to writing. This is very hard to do during the holidays and considering the fact that I am very busy at work with people being out. My driving from Houston to Austin every week does not help either. Ok, no more pity. :-) No one cares anyway, the sooner you learn that the better. So, I got up this morning at 530 am and worked on my paper for about an hour and a half. If I want to get more done I simply need to be more disciplined about going to sleep. I am also preparing for an opportunity that is coming up and that is taking away some of my time as well. So, today I worked more on my transition sentences from one section to another and moving from cites around. I now feel pretty good about my first seven pages. I have 18 total that I am reworking to submit. In my next sitting which I am targeting to be Friday morning, since I am on the road tonight, have a meeting early on Thursday in Houston, then driving back to Austin and working all day on Thursday, should be Thursday night or Friday morning. The plan is to continue working my at least better transitions. If I make it through that, I want to add more cites that I have collected (see notes) and then start my problem statement section and move on to there. No more projections regarding when I will submit this draft. I will simply keep working on it as much as I can. I am definitely progressing, just not as frequent or fast as I would like. I would love to keep momentum and write tonight but I simply wont have the opportunity. The next source I would like to cite in my section on education is Watkins work on the history of Black Education.

Until Next time,
Kai Dupe

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