Friday, March 30, 2012

I spent a few hours today working on finishing my sources from my original doc. I have 25 pages to go. My goal is to complete that in my next session which is tomorrow. I have also have 2 of my 3 members for my committee confirmed. I need to add one more. My hope is that I can get Linda Polin or Paul Sparks. Saturday is should finish the sources. Once I do, I will start the rest of my plan which has been written here several times. I intend to submit the next version to Margaret on Sunday. That gives me 2 full days to work.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Today I continued to integrate my sources. I made it to the halfway point. I am on page 40 of 80 pages of content. I think Wednesday will go much faster as much of the remaining content has already been incorporated. I have decided the I will submit based on this content and come back and add evidence from Opting Out and The Digital Divide after hearing Margaret's comments about what I submit. My main goal now is to get done with the sources. I also spent some time thinking about the last part of the outline. I made some progress there. That will have to take place in the last section as well. So, here are next steps:

Finish sources
Fix Outline

Goal is to finish this by Thursday's meeting and have it in her inbox before our 6pm meeting. I also need to update my page on the site.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Today I did nothing but continue to integrate my sources into my chapter 2. My goal was to complete my sources doc as I have a few more I would like to add but I did not get that done. I complete about a third of that work. On Tuesday, I will work as hard as I can to integrate the other two-thirds. I simply got tired of looking at it. I have come across one book that I simply must include. A second book looks interesting, but I am not sure I will bother including it. I have a few new web articles that I may include but I have not had time to read them as of yet. Perhaps I will do some reading before my next session. I will still have to go back and wordsmith as I am just adding the sources. So, there will be some cleanup. But I can't focus on that until I am done integrating the sources. I may finish that on Tuesday as some of the sources have already been integrated. I started from the top of my source list, but at some point I will have bumped into sources that have already been included. Then there are a few articles that need to be included.