Sunday, September 12, 2010

I made great progress. I was able to move pass a section that needed re-work and required some thought and more evidence. I finally completed that and was able to move forward with my list of edits. I may refine it some before submitting (which I intend to do this month, i know you have heard that before, but I am working hard, and I want the paper to be good), It should not take nearly as long to finish the other edits so I am looking forward to my next session. I also had a couple of thoughts as I was working today and they are:

The omission of the stories of black inventors as a deterrent. Should this be a subheading in my chapter 1

Should I think about conducting the study from the standpoint of the institution and interview them instead of interviewing the student? Wharton suggests that the issue has historically been with the institution.

Here is my plan for my next session:
1) Complete list of edits
2) Run through turnitin

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