Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My goal was to submit my first draft of my introduction on Monday night (3/16). I did not make it. I do feel however that I made progress and that I am progressing. This week I incorporated the CNN special from last year. I think my next step is to somehow include proof that others feel that the way to go is to teach young black males how to succeed in spite of their circumstances since thos are gettint worse. Right now I am having to make a tough decision. I have a lot going on and I think I need to cut back some and really focus on my dissertation as I am ready to get it done and make real progress during the week. I am going to ponder this for the rest of the week and discuss it with my wife. I hope to have something for you to take a look at next week. I worked on my paper for 3 hours last night and I would like to work on it more tonight but it seems I end up not being able to get back to my work for another week. It is very frustrating.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

So how are you using the CNN materials? There are lots of stories that you could use for your work. Have you collected the stories have to do with leadership? You could use some of this material for your dissertation as well. I did not read all of the articles, but I did see some of it on TV and I think that there be materials you can use. I am working on AERA papers so I am very busy but I am worried that you sharing anything. I think you need to let go of it and we can start the process of feedback.
